Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sistine Chapel

It is one of the places that I hoped to visit in my lifetime & I was not disappointed. I hate to break it to you, but no photos, no video & you are not allowed to talk while in the chapel, after all it is a church. 

What intrigued me most and made me want to visit is the fact that Michelangelo painted it all by himself ( he did have a little help the 1st year because he was unfamiliar with the Al Fresco style of painting). It truly is a site to see & maybe one day you too will experience the beauty of the genius of Michelangelo. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Mall, Firenze a.k.a. Florence

Today we went to The Mall in Firenze a.k.a. Florence, Italy. 

Our main Goal was the Gucci store of course, bc if you like Gucci, buying a bag in Italy is definitely a must if at all possible. 

What surprised me most were the clothes, I mean absolutely fabulous. Oh how I wish I could afford just one of these outfits. 

Even the men's clothes were stylish. 

Yes, it was fun and yes I purchased a purse. 

I suggest if you want to see more of Firenze or Florence, you make your trip at least  2 days. One day to go to The Mall (they were building, which means more stores) and 1 day to explore the actual city (the Mall is outside of Firenze). I very much wanted to see the statue of David, but I'll have to wait until my next trip. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 2 a Paris!

Place de Bastille

Day 2 was a day of relaxation as we had spent the prior day traveling and walking around Paris, so we were pretty tired, not to mention BJ had come down with a cold after waiting for our "host" the previous day at her apartment. However, I was going to meet the "host" to pick up our tickets to the Hop on Hop Off Tour Bus, but before I made it out the door, I received an email from the "host." I was rather disappointed, as I had assumed that the issues that arose the previous day were over, well you know when you assume things....Needless to say, I replied rather negatively, could I have handled it better, possible, but why should I have, I mean had to keep up that whole Black women acting "ghetto" thing.. When I saw the "host" to pick up the tickets, she had some sob story about how I should have replied differently to the email and since she's not my mother, I tuned her out as she had no business telling how I should apply to something she wrote, especially since I felt it was offensive. I decided to be the bigger person and said lets just move on and hug it out, she dissed me and I said Fuck it...I brought 3 women on this trip, you are supposed to be the "host" and we paid you to be hear and this is how you act, I'm good and the 4 of us, could figure out how to get around without any help from her. 

I hope no one feels this is very negative and I didn't enjoy my time, I had a wonderful time, but I felt it necessary to give all the details, especially since we paid to attend this trip and I wouldn't want anyone to experience what I did, so No I would not recommend going on the trip with this person to anyone, friend or foe. She was extremely unprofessional and rather uncouth and that whole "I hate when black women comment" showed that she obviously suffers from self-hate and extremely low self-esteem and no one should have to deal with someone so unstable when they are visiting another country for the first time. 

I'm done talking about her, the rest of my post will be about the amazing time I had with my best friend, her niece and cousin.

After dealing with the "host," I picked up some croissants, Nutella and chocolate for me and the girls, then we Watched Bridesmaids...

First Day in Paris: Part deux

Once we found ourself at our apartment, still tired and very hungary, it turned into a blessing. We were living next door to a grocery store. I can't speak for the other 6 ladies on the trip, but the 4 of us, made out pretty grand by being next door to a grocery.

After we ate, showered, it was time to go out again. Still with no idea where we were going other than to see where the other 2 ladies were staying. After a ton of metro rides, we found ourselves on the Champs Elysee...

While this was a nice surprise, It wasn't what I wanted to do on my first day in Paris, honestly a more eventful idea is the Eiffel Tower, since it is the most recognized symbol of Paris. Many of the women did not yet have Euro's and we weren't really stopping to go into shops, I mean who goes on the Champs Elysee and doesn't go into a few stores? We walked to the end of the Champs and found ourselves at the famed Arc de Triompe, for a group photo, something the "host" does with all her guest.

That's my BJ, taking a photo.

We finally went to dinner, after a very long day and it was rather eventful. The "host" made a rather outlandish comment about black women being rude and that if someone had a problem with her they should tell her, now this comes after my two friends were laughing. Now heres my take, if you assume that someone is laughing at you although you are not in their conversation, You must be talking about them or you are extremely self-consious and most likely have no real friends, but again I digress. The statement was totally rude, uncalled for and it made one of my friends cry and caused me to loose respect for the "host." 

BJ, spoke to the "host" and assumed all was ok, as ok as things could be as we as a group had decided we were pretty much done with the "host," little did we know, little did we know...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Day in Paris

Wednesday November 7, 2012 was the day I left Nashville to head to Paris.  I spent most of the day traveling, arrived at Nashville's airport around 10:00 am to await my 12:00 pm flight to Chicago. The Nashville Airport is rather small however having an Admiral Pass for American Airlines Admiral Club was a plus. I spent my hour hanging out there and talking on the phone to my friend Tina and my cousin Lisa while charging my phone, iPad and drinking a glass of complimentary Cranberry Juice.

Arrived at Chicago's O'Hare airport (huge in comparison to Nashville) and headed straight to Macaroni Grill to eat because I was hungry and it was way past my lunch time. After eating, talking to Tina again, calling my bank to let them know I was traveling internationally, I headed up to the Admiral's club. The first person I met was Sherry, She was so bubbly..The mark of a woman with no small children..LOL.. We had an awesome conversation, she has some amazing children, Go Sherry. Bethany (BJ from now on), Danni and Candice arrived from St. Louis and then they ran and got something to eat. After they ate, it was finally time for us to board our plane headed to Charles De Gaulle!

The Plane ride was long and rather uncomfortable, had I had the choice I would have definitely upgraded to at least business class. If you can afford it, I strongly suggest when traveling for over 4 hours, you go business or First class if you can. BJ couldn't even put her feet under her seat as there was some odd block underneath it, she also had to contend with a piece of gum stuck to the tray table (people are just nasty). 

After an 8 hour flight we finally arrived in Paris and I couldn't be more happy, after all I've wanted to visit Paris since I was 15 years old studying French at Clayton High School with Madame Garganigo.

The conveyor belt stopped and some of the ladies luggage didn't come up, so a few of us waited until they were able to get their bags and a few of our other travel mates (there were 8 women on the trip, the 4 of us and 4 solo travelers) who had to use the restroom. Well then we headed out the door. I didn't see the Trip Coordinator, all I knew was everyone was walking, Saw Sherry so started following her and then I saw a blurb past by me, turned out to be the Trip coordinator. Ok, so my issue, if you are welcoming a group of travelers to a foreign country, standing there with a sign would have been helpful. 

Well then we boarded a taxi with no indication as to where we were off too, its 8 am Paris time and our last meal was at 6, I was hoping we were off to breakfast. Boy was I wrong, we arrived on a really nice Paris street and the taxi driver kept asking us if this was the place we were supposed to be going. None of us knew and he just left us because that was his job and there was no place for him to park.Of course after he left, I realized I had left my brand new hat in his taxi, Oh well.  Finally one of the women was able to contact the coordinator on her phone and she informed us she was on her way, she had gotten stuck in traffic and after we stood there in front of someone's apartment (yes people kept coming out asking us in French what we were doing, yeah lady, I'm hungry and tired and I'm not trying to understand you or speak to you in French right now). It was rather embarrassing that we didn't know what to tell the ladies (because I did understand what they were asking, again, tired, hungry and now head cold because of my hat being left in the cab). Unfortunately BJ ended up getting sick :-(.  Um, but Ok, I'm in Paris, I'll let this slide..

Breakfast was not on the horizon we were walking Paris streets, tired and hungry so that we would know where everyone was staying..Um Ok...I'm hungry, but I'll let this slide after all, I'm hungry in Paris.. 

Part 2 of this day later...