Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Sistine Chapel

It is one of the places that I hoped to visit in my lifetime & I was not disappointed. I hate to break it to you, but no photos, no video & you are not allowed to talk while in the chapel, after all it is a church. 

What intrigued me most and made me want to visit is the fact that Michelangelo painted it all by himself ( he did have a little help the 1st year because he was unfamiliar with the Al Fresco style of painting). It truly is a site to see & maybe one day you too will experience the beauty of the genius of Michelangelo. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Mall, Firenze a.k.a. Florence

Today we went to The Mall in Firenze a.k.a. Florence, Italy. 

Our main Goal was the Gucci store of course, bc if you like Gucci, buying a bag in Italy is definitely a must if at all possible. 

What surprised me most were the clothes, I mean absolutely fabulous. Oh how I wish I could afford just one of these outfits. 

Even the men's clothes were stylish. 

Yes, it was fun and yes I purchased a purse. 

I suggest if you want to see more of Firenze or Florence, you make your trip at least  2 days. One day to go to The Mall (they were building, which means more stores) and 1 day to explore the actual city (the Mall is outside of Firenze). I very much wanted to see the statue of David, but I'll have to wait until my next trip.